Selasa, 09 September 2008

Discount Vitamins: From A To K

Can discount vitamins actually hold a piece of nature? The answer is YES. Vitamins not only prove quite natural, but many also function as vital components to life. Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K serve as the basic foundation for this wide variety of crucial organic substances. For the most part the body cannot produce these on its own. Although nature solves this problem with a rich selection of food sources, a problem lies in this very solution. Busy lives and technologically advanced food processing and environmental pollutants often prevent people from receiving adequate vitamin levels. While over-packed schedules disturb balanced diets, food too often just does not contain the necessary sources it once did. Nonetheless, supplements can easily fill this modern world gap. Nature has not changed, only its appearance.

Before taking any vitamin supplement, it is crucial to first become educated. What does this substance do for the body? What foods contain it? What factors prevent a person from receiving adequate levels? And most importantly, how much should be taken of each? Too often, people devalue the potency of vitamins. Thinking they are natural, people disregard things such as doses or other instructions. However, vitamins should not be underestimated. If the body needs them, they must be powerful in some way. Too much can be just as or more harmful than too little. A person should always consult a doctor or a trained dietician for the doses that properly correlate with his/her specific make-up.

Vitamins can be divided into two basic categories: fat soluble and water soluble. Of the six basic vitamins stated earlier, vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble, and vitamins B and C are water soluble. The characteristics of these two categories relate to optimum absorption and body storage capabilities. Fat soluble vitamins can only be absorbed when dissolved in fat. This is why vitamins A, D, E, and K should always be taken with food. The liver possesses the ability to store surplus levels of these substances for later use. Water soluble vitamins only need water to dissolve. However, because of this, they are easily lost by the body as well. Unlike fat soluble vitamins, water soluble substances need to be constantly taken.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A helps keep teeth, tissue, membranes, and skin healthy. Directly involved in the production of retina pigments, A is extremely important for eye sight, especially in poor lighting. Studies have indicated that it may be very important for breast-feeding mothers as well.

Because it is found in many foods high in saturated fats and cholesterol, people often unknowingly avoid vitamin A as well. Subsequently, a deficiency may result. These foods include meats, eggs, cheese, and cream. The body can use fruits and vegetables to produce A from beta-carotene. Carrots, sweet potato, cantaloupe, broccoli, and many green, leafy vegetables, such as spinach, are good choices. (Generally, deeper, richer colors indicate higher quantities of beta-carotene.) While fruits and vegetables are usually low in saturated fats and cholesterol, many "on-the-go" schedules make them difficult to eat. However, with the guidelines of a medical professional, a supplement can give the body its necessary dose while leaving weight, arteries, and calendars undisturbed.

Vitamin B
There are actually eight separate vitamins in the B family: thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, biotin, and pantothenic. B vitamins increase energy levels, regulate metabolism, and help create new red blood cells. Foods with high B levels include meats, fish, liver, dark/leafy vegetables, whole-grains, and fortified products. Nonetheless, for the same reasons as vitamin A, B may also prove difficult to get. Ironically, hectic lives often have little time for these foods, but people with high stress may need vitamin B's energy-producing ability more than ever. Due to the list's quantity of animal products, vegetarians may also find themselves at high-risk for deficiencies. While each B vitamin can be found by itself, discount vitamins offer B-complex supplements. The combination usually proves easier for maintaining safe ratios between the eight different kinds.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is also referred to as ascorbic acid. Functioning as an excellent antioxidant, it has the ability to prevent the harmful oxidation of cells. While vitamin E and beta-carotene are also anti-oxidants, C works excellently with E in this process. Vitamin C is also connected with the health of bones, teeth, hormones, collagen, and blood vessels. It plays an important role in absorbing other important substances, such as iron, calcium, and folacin, and it may help cataracts, cancer, and heart disease. Vitamin C is particularly connected with the strengthening of the immune system and the healing wounds.

Many fruits and vegetables provide good sources of vitamin C. These include citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, and dark green vegetables. When sick with a cold or flu, many people use lozenges as a vitamin C source. However, the sugar in these "remedies" actually weakens the immune system. Increased doctor-recommended supplement levels of C may prove more effective. A variety of other factors cause the body to need higher C levels as well. These include smoking, growth in children and unborn babies, drugs such as oral contraceptives, and increased levels of stress and anxiety.

Vitamin D
Turned into a steroid hormone by the body, vitamin D possesses a crucial connection with gene functioning. It significantly impacts how much calcium the body can absorb, and it is vital for bone density and prevention against osteoporosis. However, vitamin D may have even further capabilities. More and more new research finds that D may play an important role in fighting diseases such as colon, breast, and prostate cancers.

While foods such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, and fortified products contain vitamin D, the body largely produces this substance from sun rays absorbed through the skin. This puts many people at risk, especially older people that often stay indoors and people with darker skin that require longer time for sun absorption. Although D is vital for bone growth in child development, studies reveal that a substantial number of children may be deficient as well. Nevertheless, even if people are not members of any of these populations, they should not let down their guard. It is easy for harmfully low amounts to go unnoticed. Due to vitamin D's importance, it is advisable for everyone to talk with their doctor. A simple blood test can reveal a deficiency.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is involved with immune system, DNA, and metabolism maintenance. As an antioxidant, research indicates that it may have a positive effect against cardiovascular disease and cancer. Vitamin E can be found in nuts, particularly almonds, wheat germ oil, vegetable oil, green/leafy vegetables, and enriched cereals.

Vitamin K
While involved in protection against osteoporosis, skin wounds, and possibly cancer, Vitamin K significantly helps blood to clot after an injury. Also found in a variety of foods, especially vegetables, K most often forms from intestine bacteria in the body. However, various circumstances can prevent the body from receiving the proper amount. Medications, such as antibiotics and blood-thinners, can cause a hindrance. Injuries and illness, such as serious burns, gallbladder problems, and liver disease, may also disturb K levels. While vitamin K shortages are uncommon, particular attention should be given to breast-fed babies and the elderly. Older people are typically known to take more medications, to eat poorly, and to have difficulties forming vitamin K in the intestine. Because breast-milk contains poor K levels, it is important that mothers eat an adequate quantity of green vegetables or take an extra doctor-prescribed supplement during this time.

A variety of foods contain vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K. However, while eating a diet full of these foods may prove difficult, no one can be sure that fertilizers, food-processing techniques, cooking preparations, and other modern factors have not depleted their natural organic quantities. No need to wonder or worry. Medical professionals and dieticians can provide information on the best available discount vitamins and their proper use. No one should have to go without the organic substances that nature intended.

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